C Operators

Operators are symbols that tells a compiler to do certain arithematic or logic operations. Operators works on operands (literals). Example: a + b, here a and b are operands and + is an operator denoting addition operation.

C operators in order of precedence (highest to lowest). Operators on the same group or line have equal precedence.

Operator Description Type of Operation Associativity




++ --


Member selection via object name

Member selection via pointers

Postfix increment/decrement
Expression Left to Right



+ -



++ --

Determines size in bytes

Address (of operand)


Unary plus/minus

Bitwise Complement

Logical Negation

Prefix increment/decrement

Typecasts a value into a temporary value of type (type)
Unary Right to Left
* / % Multiplication/Division/Modulus Multiplicative Left to Right
+ - Addition/Subtraction Additive Left to Right
<< >> Bitwise left shift, Bitwise right shift Bitwise shift Left to Right
< <=

> >=
Less than/Less than equal to

Greater than/Greater than equal to
Relational Left to Right
== != Equal to/Not Equal to Equality Left to Right
& Bitwise-AND Bitwise-AND Left to Right
^ Bitwise-exclusive-OR Bitwise-exclusive-OR Left to Right
| Bitwise-inclusive-OR Bitwise-inclusive-OR Left to Right
&& Logical-AND Logical-AND Left to Right
|| Logical-OR Logical-OR Left to Right
?: Ternary Conditional Expression Ternary Conditional Expression Right to Left

+= -=

*= /=

%= &=

^= |=

<<= >>=

Addition/subtraction assignment

Multiplication/division assignment

Modulus assignment, bitwise-AND assignment

Bitwise-exclusive/inclusive-OR assignment

Bitwise left/right shift Assignment
Simple and Compound Assignments Right to Left
, Comma Sequential evaluation Left to Right

C Operators Demonstration


//Types of Operators in C with demonstration

#include <stdio.h>

struct car
	int size;
	int price;

int sum(int a,int b)
	return a+b;
int main(void)
	//assignment operator =
	int a = 20;
	printf("Assignment a = %d\n",a);
	int b = 10;
	int res = 0;
	//parenthesis operator ( )
	int c = ( a + b );
	printf("Parenthesis ()\n");
	//Bracket operator []
	int arr[5];
	printf("Brackets []\n");
	//Comma operator ,
	res = (1,2);
	printf("Comma as operator %d,%d = %d\n",1,2,res);
	//Comma separator ,
	res = sum(1,2);
	printf("Comma as separator sum(%d,%d) = %d\n",1,2,res);
	//Address of
	toyota = &bmw;
	printf("Address of operand &\n");
	//pointer declaration
	int *p;
	p = &c;
	//changing value of c by dereferencing
	*p = 1;
	printf("Dereference operator *\n");
	//member select via object name
	bmw.price = 10000;
	printf("Member select via object name, bmw.price = %d\n",bmw.price);
	//member select via pointers
	printf("Member select via pointers, toyota->price = %d\n",toyota->price);
	//size of
	printf("Sizeof Operator, sizeof(int) = %d\n",sizeof(int));	
	//Typecast (type)
	printf("Typecast (type), (int)3.4 = %d\n",(int)3.4);		
	//addition operator +
	res = a + b;
	printf("Addition %d + %d = %d\n",a,b,res);
	//subtraction operator -
	res = a - b;
	printf("Subtraction %d - %d = %d\n",a,b,res);
	//multiplication operator *
	res = a * b;
	printf("Multiplication %d * %d = %d\n",a,b,res);
	//division operator /
	res = a / b;
	printf("Division %d / %d = %d\n",a,b,res);
	//modulo operator (remainder) %
	res = a % b;
	printf("Modulo %d %% %d = %d\n",a,b,res);
	//bitwise left shift operator <<
	/*4 in binary 100
	  100 left shift 1 bit, 1000 => 8 in decimal
	res = 4 << 1;
	printf("Bitwise left shift %d << %d = %d\n",4,1,res);
	//bitwise right shift operator >>
	/*4 in binary 100
	  100 right shift 1 bit, 10 => 2 in decimal
	res = 4 >> 1;
	printf("Bitwise right shift %d >> %d = %d\n",4,1,res);
	res = 4;
	//bitwise left shift assignment operator <<=
	res <<= 1;
	printf("Bitwise left shift assignment %d <<= %d = %d\n",4,1,res);
	res = 4;
	//bitwise right shift assignment operator >>=
	res >>= 1;
	printf("Bitwise right shift assignment %d >>= %d = %d\n",4,1,res);
	//bitwise AND operator &
	/*4 in binary 100
	  100 & 001 = 000 => 0 in decimal 
	res = 4 & 1;
	printf("Bitwise AND %d & %d = %d\n",4,1,res);
	//bitwise inclusive OR operator |
	/*4 in binary 100
	  100 | 001 = 101 => 5 in decimal 
	res = 4 | 1;
	printf("Bitwise inclusive OR %d | %d = %d\n",4,1,res);
	//bitwise XOR operator ^
	/*4 in binary 100
	  100 ^ 001 = 101 => 5 in decimal 
	res = 4 ^ 1;
	printf("Bitwise XOR %d ^ %d = %d\n",4,1,res);
	//bitwise Complement operator ~
	/*2 in binary 0000 0010
      ~0000 0010 = 1111 1101 => -3 in decimal
	res = ~2;
	printf("Bitwise Complement ~%d = %d\n",2,res);
	//Logical AND &&
	res = 0 && 1;
	printf("Logical AND %d && %d = %d\n",0,1,res);

	//Logical OR ||
	res = 0 || 1;
	printf("Logical OR %d || %d = %d\n",0,1,res);
	//Logical Negation !
	printf("Logical Negation !%d = %d\n",res,!res);
	//Ternary Operator ?:
	// result = condition?true:false;
	res = (5<2)?1:0;
	printf("Ternary Condition (%d<%d)?1:0 = %d\n",5,2,res);
	if(1 == (10/10))
	    printf("Is Equal to ==\n");
	if(1 != (20/10))
	    printf("Is NOT Equal to !=\n");
	if(1 < 2)
	    printf("Less than <\n");	

	if(2 > 1)
	    printf("Greater than >\n");    
	if(2 >= 2)
	    printf("Greater than equal to >=\n");  

	if(2 <= 4)
	    printf("Less than equal to <=\n");  
	res = 0;
	//res = res + 1;
	res += 1;
	printf("Addition Assignment res += 1 = %d\n",res);
	res = 0;
	//res = res - 1;
	res -= 1;
	printf("Subtraction Assignment res -= 1 = %d\n",res);
	res = 10;
	//res = res * 10;
	res *= 10;
	printf("Multiplication Assignment res *= 10 = %d\n",res);
	res = 10;
	//res = res / 10;
	res /= 10;
	printf("Division Assignment res /= 10 = %d\n",res);
	res = 10;
	//res = res % 2;
	res %= 2;
	printf("Modulo Assignment res %%= 2 = %d\n",res);
	res = 10;
	//res = res & 2;
	res &= 2;
	printf("Bitwise AND Assignment res &= 2 = %d\n",res);
	res = 10;
	//res = res | 2;
	res |= 2;
	printf("Bitwise Inclusive OR Assignment res |= 2 = %d\n",res);
	res = 10;
	//res = res ^ 2;
	res ^= 2;
	printf("Bitwise XOR Assignment res ^= 2 = %d\n",res);
	res = 0;
	//res = res + 1; first increment then assignment
	printf("Prefix increment res = %d\n",++res);
	res = 0;
	//res = res + 1; first assignment then increment
	printf("Postfix increment res = %d, ",res++);
	printf("Later res = %d\n",res);
	return 0;


Assignment a = 20
Parenthesis ()
Brackets []
Comma as operator 1,2 = 2
Comma as separator sum(1,2) = 3
Address of operand &
Dereference operator *
Member select via object name, bmw.price = 10000
Member select via pointers, toyota->price = 10000
Sizeof Operator, sizeof(int) = 4
Typecast (type), (int)3.4 = 3
Addition 20 + 10 = 30
Subtraction 20 - 10 = 10
Multiplication 20 * 10 = 200
Division 20 / 10 = 2
Modulo 20 % 10 = 0
Bitwise left shift 4 << 1 = 8
Bitwise right shift 4 >> 1 = 2
Bitwise left shift assignment 4 <<= 1 = 8
Bitwise right shift assignment 4 >>= 1 = 2
Bitwise AND 4 & 1 = 0
Bitwise inclusive OR 4 | 1 = 5
Bitwise XOR 4 ^ 1 = 5
Bitwise Complement ~2 = -3
Logical AND 0 && 1 = 0
Logical OR 0 || 1 = 1
Logical Negation !1 = 0
Ternary Condition (5<2)?1:0 = 0
Is Equal to ==
Is NOT Equal to !=
Less than <
Greater than >
Greater than equal to >=
Less than equal to <=
Addition Assignment res += 1 = 1
Subtraction Assignment res -= 1 = -1
Multiplication Assignment res *= 10 = 100
Division Assignment res /= 10 = 1
Modulo Assignment res %= 2 = 0
Bitwise AND Assignment res &= 2 = 2
Bitwise Inclusive OR Assignment res |= 2 = 10
Bitwise XOR Assignment res ^= 2 = 8
Prefix increment res = 1
Postfix increment res = 0, Later res = 1


C Programming

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